My Library

View your reading or search history and the list of publications you have authored.

View your reading history

Your reading history is created from things you have read across all sites and services you have authorized. Only you can see your reading history.
  1. In the My Library section of your dashboard, click Recently Viewed.
    A list with all the publications you have read displays.
  2. If the activity history is disabled in the Privacy Center, click Maintain activity history at the Things you have done section.

View your search history

Your search history is created from things you have searched for across all sites and services you have authorized. Only you can see your search activity.
  1. In the My Library section of your dashboard, click Recent Searches.
    A list with all the searches you have performed across all sites displays.
  2. Click Rerun to run again a recent search, if needed.
  3. If the activity history is disabled in the Privacy Center, click Maintain activity history at the Things you have done section.

View your publications

Your list of publications comes from public sources by matching your profile with an author based on your name and ORCID ID.
  1. In the My Library section of your dashboard, click My Publications.
  2. To match your CONNECT account with an author profile, do the following:
    1. Click Match profile.
    2. In the Related Authors dialog, scroll through the list of authors and select your author profile.
    3. Click Match profile.
    Your profile is matched with the author profile and a list with your publications displays under the Publications tab.

    Deleting the ORCID ID from your Personal info removes the matched profile.

    Adding an ORCID ID from your Personal info that belongs to an author removes the currently matched profile and matches the author related with this ORCID ID.

  3. To remove an author profile from your CONNECT account:
    1. Click This is not me in the Author profile section.
    2. In the Unlink author profile dialog, click Unlink profile.