id_token Attributes

The following attributes are included to the id_token:

Attribute Description
sub The unique user ID.
iss The CONNECT URL, using the publisher specific sub-domain.
exp The expiration of the token (currently 30 days from issue time).
iat The token issue time.
type The possible values are:
  • join: when the user has not logged in before (is not connected to the domain)
  • pre-registered: when the user is in a pre-registered state
  • registered: for normal users
aud The user did not authorize the application or did not confirm the registration.
nonce The nonce received in the authorization request is sent back to the application in the id_token.
sid The session ID of the user on CONNECT.
email The primary email address of the user.
email_verified The verification state of the primary email address. It is always set to "true" as all emails are verified.
address The country of the user.
emails The list of all email addresses of the user.
Family_name The last name.
Given_name The first name.
Middle_name The middle name (if it exists).
name The concatenation of first, middle, and last name.
orcid_id The orcid_id (if it exists).
isMarketable Boolean value to indicate if the user has provided marketing consent for this publisher.

The possible values, depending on the flow the user followed during authentication, are:

  • register
  • login
  • join

This attribute can be used to distinguish new user registrations (register or join) from logins (login). New user registration can be further separated between entirely new user registration (register) and users that register with the publisher by linking their existing CONNECT profile with the publisher for the first time.

login_method Single string value that is either email or the IdP provider that was used to log in or register (requires login_method scope).
ids Secondary IDs of a user (requires identity_ids scope). It has the following format:
affiliations List of user’s affiliations (requires affiliations scope). It has the following format:
     “description”:”institution name”, 
     “value”:”[email protected]” 