Protocol Flow

The steps of the OIDC authorization flow are as follows:

  1. The user clicks login on the publisher website.
  2. Upon the reception of the login request from the user, the web server initiates an OIDC authorization request by constructing a URL and redirecting the user to this URL through a browser redirect.
  3. The ODIC Server initiates user authentication by displaying the user a login interface.
  4. The user submits their credentials.
  5. The credentials are validated and the user is authenticated. The OIDC Server redirects the user back to the web server, through a browser redirect, providing an id_token and a code.
  6. The web server retrieves the user information from the id_token, authenticates the user, and creates a session.
  7. The user is authenticated to the web server.
  8. The web server exchanges the code received from step 6 with an access token that will allow the retrieval of additional user profile data for this user.
  9. The web server uses the access token to retrieve more user profile data.
  10. The OIDC server validates the access token and provides the web server with the requested profile data.