Check your recent activity

The Recent activity page shows all actions performed by your account, such as when you logged in, changes to your sign in options, devices that were used, etc.

Your account activity is not recorded by default and actions performed before enabling the feature are not logged by the system.

  1. In the Sign in & Security section of your dashboard, click Sign in activity.
  2. To start recording your account activity, click Start recording.

    You can filter out the activities by Activity type, Platform, and Date range.

    The first 30 entries display. You can click Load more to display 30 more, if available.

    Note: CONNECT displays only the most recent 6 months of account activity.
  3. To stop recording your account activity, click Change activity settings, and switch the Record account activity option off.
    Important: If you disable the feature, all recorded activity is erased automatically and is no longer retrievable, even if you re-enable it afterwards.