About institutional access

Access content on publishing websites through your institutional memberships.

After verifying your institutional memberships, you are able to visit various publishing websites and enjoy content access using your institutional membership affiliations.

View and visit websites that you have content access through your institutional memberships

  1. Under the Institutional Memberships area of your dashboard, click Institutional access.
  2. Go through the list of websites.
  3. To visit a website, hover your mouse over its name, and click Visit website.
  4. To learn which institution(s) provide(s) you content access to a website, hover your mouse over the info icon next to its name.

Add new websites that you can access their content through your institutional memberships

  1. Under the Institutional Memberships area of your dashboard, click Institutional access.
    If new publishing websites that you can access their content through your institutional memberships exist, a similar banner displays:
  2. Click New websites.
  3. Select the website(s) you wish to connect with and then click Connect.
    A confirmation pop-up displays.
  4. Select if you want to receive marketing emails from the selected website(s).
  5. Click Confirm.