CONNECT 24.1.0
Release date: 4 July 2023
New features
- Single entity endpoint is introduced, allowing publishers with more than one applications to use the same CONNECT subdomain from all their applications.
- Fixed a bug that Research area and Work role are optional fields and the user should be able to delete content entirely.
- Fixed a bug when changing or adding emails to sign in on CONNECT, the WAT identity at side was not updated automatically and o log in with the new email was required.
- Removed the phrase "to continue to CONNECT" from the login/registration form for users visiting CONNECT directly and not through a publisher.
- Fixed a bug that an external role to a user cannot be edited or deleted.
- Twitter is removed as sign up/sign in method.
- Birth year field is removed from the UI and cleaned-up from users that have set it.
- DEMOGRAPHIC paragraph is removed. Country selection and Language preference fields are changed to Country and Language respectively.
- When deleting one of the names "Required" appears instead of "Invalid input" during the validation of the required fields.
- SessionHistory collection is dropped.